If you’re looking for support and resources to help integrate the Biodynamic work, I have compiled this page to help. I believe that the ultimate resource is found within, by simply being and feeling our BODY in its fullness.

Below is a running compilation of people and work that inspire my practice. They offer perspectives and guidance on health, self exploration, trauma healing, neuroscience, embodiment, and some are simply fun and joyful trinkets. May they inspire the light of your heart to receive love even more fully!

<<<Here is a link to other Biodynamic Massage & Cranial practitioners compiled by my primary teacher, Todd Jackson>>>

GReatest Resources to Offer yourself experiences of



Meditation, any type of deep listening

Immersion in Natural Environments and Wilderness

REST and Deep Sleep

Moving slowly and in-tune with your inner rhythm

Water—- Stay hydrated

Any location where the mind and Nervous System can feel safe and unplug

Embodied Movement, Dance, Yoga, Qigong, TaiChi

Somatic or Body based therapy— like Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR— contact me for specific practitioner referrals

Compassion, Kindness, Gentleness, Love

Podcasts, Audio Informations, and guided meditations

The Wisdom of Trauma Film — featuring Dr Gabor Mate

The Awakening Body Somatic Meditations

The Craniosacral Podcast

The Body Awake

Liberated Body

Bliss and Grit

Dharma Ocean


The Body Keeps the Score, BESSEL VAN DER KOLK M.D.

Waking the Tiger, PETER A LEVINE, PHD

The Hidden Life of Trees, PETER WOHLLEBEN

The Other Way to Listen, BYRD BAYLOR 

The Awakening Body, REGINALD RAY

The Language of Emotions, KARLA MCLAREN

Light on Life, B.K.S. IYENGAR

When the Body Say No: The Cost of Hidden Stress, Dr. Gabor Mate

Teachers and Wisdom keepers

Todd Jackson

Diana Byrnes

Sunil Sharma

Reginald Ray

Matt Kahn

Ruth Kramer

Jeana Naluai

Heather Mist

Kiran Trace

Pema Chodron

Judith Blackstone

Brene Brown

Louise Ellis

Kamal Singh


Retreats and Contemplative Spaces

Quepasana Foundation

~Offers Donation Based Vipassana Meditation Retreats in Maui, Hawaii & Ashland, Oregon

Breitenbush Hot Springs

~A Place to Bring life in to Balance, offering workshops and retreats in a quiet wilderness setting with cozy Hot Springs

Esalen Institute

~Hot Springs and Retreat Grounds offering workshops with the intention to Pioneer Deep Change in Self and SOciety

Vipassana Meditation

~International 10-day silent meditation course offerings in the tradition of S.N. Goenka

Yoga Refuge Portland

~Yoga Studio in Portland embodying the Art of Yoga

Near East Yoga

~Ashtanga Yoga Shala (studio) in Portland with devotion teacher Casey Palmer

The Bhaktishop Yoga Center

~Yoga studio in Portland committed to being a safe and inclusive sanctuary of education, action and compassion

Ho’omana Spa

~Offers a holistic experience of the Ancient Hawaiian LomiLomi Healing Traditions through various Bodywork and Trainings on the sacred land of Maui, Hawaii

Tattva Yoga Shala

~Ashtanga Yoga Shala in Rishikesh, India